We are Technology Procurement and Systems Integration business in the IT/Telecommunications, Electro-Mechanical and Petro-Chemical fields. Our services including: on-site installation, commissioning and training.
Our philosophy is to become an extension of our client’s procurement operations. Our process methodology as follows:
Our company is structured into four divisions detailed below with summary of their areas of experience and focus.
NASA IT-Telecom Division
Satellite telecommunications and broadband solutions are one area that we providing voice & data links using satellite phones and BGAN devices from Inmarsat, Thuraya and Iridium for many years, supplied along with prepaid airtime vouchers for the service. VSAT is another area where we have worked extensively utilising the KU and KA band services, whether it is for a dedicated link to a fixed dish in one location, to a VSAT service that can be used whilst on the move using automatic tracking antennas. Please contact us for more information where we will be happy to assist
NASA Electro-Mech Division
***NASA Safety & Security Division: *** Created as an extension of the "NASA Electro-Mech" division this area of the business covers:
NASA Petro-Chem Division: • Industrial chemicals, high purity gases and chemicals including analytical reagents and ASTM standards. • Laboratory analytical and test equipment and consumables. • High purity gas generating sets for chromatography applications. • Environmental monitoring and testing systems for air, sound and water.